Ivjot Singh

I build things

Hi, I am Ivjot Singh based in New Delhi, India.
A software engineer who is more inclined towards backend development, DevOps automation and facinated to read and write technical blogs.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam(I will either find a way or make one).

My Career

SupplyAI (DataCulture Inc.)

I write performant and maintainable code for our flagship SaaS product AspenCX in Django along with contributing in the DevOps engineering with the team.

November. 2018
Software Engineer

Acadview (Acquired by UpGrad)

Here I developed various features for our product(Content Management and Analytics System) which were mostly Ops-driven like Payment Automation System, Analytics Dashboard for Projects, Sales, Assignments, Attendance, schedule etc.

June. 2018
Full Stack Developer

Acadview (Internship)

During this time period I taught Python and Django to the batch of 28 B.Tech students in the project-based learning environment along with contributing to the development of Result Automation System (marksheets and transcripts pdf generation) for Jagganath University.

june. 2017
Python Instructor

My Skills


Aspen CX

AspenCX is a post purchase customer management system that enhances retailers' ability to service customers across multiple channels.


Acadview Is a EdTech company, I contributed to full-stack development and data analytics building the product whose features were mostly ops-driven.

SaaS Comm

Software as a service products which e-commerce websites can intergerate to improve the shopping experience.



Digital marketing tool helps to find out the buyer's persona by plotting its interest and based on hash_tags, location, comments etc on Instagram.


Word Beater

Simple JS game that increments your score if you type the right word as displayed else game over.
